Tuesday, September 1, 2009

School Visit

This is the port near ConcepciĆ³n. It is the Bay of Chile, which is part of the Sea of Chile, which stretches out to the Pacific Ocean. I ate some delicious sea food at a restaurant behind where I stood to take this photo. I couldn´t believe how huge the sea gulls were!

I went back to this little port town yesterday to visit the school where a classmate of mine teaches middle school English. She had a really great activity where the students had written questions to ask me and then they took notes about my answers. They took turns asking me questions, then Natalia had the one that asked me the question explain the exchange he or she had had with me to the class. She pointed out vocabulary and grammatical structures that I used in my answers. I was very impressed with how well the children spoke and understook English! They each have to write a paragraph about me as homework.

I plan to visit that school and others while I am here. Hopefully by pow-wowing with other language teachers, we can all learn from each other, steal ideas from each other and enrich each others´classrooms.

1 comment:

Lisa Jarrett said...

Erin, it's great to hear from you! I miss you at North and hope all is going well. I'll follow you on your blog.