Sunday, September 6, 2009

La peña y el fútbol

Talcahuano Sur, another Rotary club in the area, hosted a peña yesterday. There was delicious food and music and dancing. The national dance of Chile is the cueca. The music has a rhythm that at times reminds me of flamenco. It is danced with a lot of stomping foot patterns and with a white handkercheif. The people that performed at the peña were professional folk performers, but this is a dance that everybody knows and does when the time is right.

Last night was the soccer game between Chile and Venezuela. These are qualifying games for the World Cup (la Copa Mundial). Only four teams of the ten in South America get to play in South Africa next year. Brazil is in the lead, Chile and Paraguay are tied for second. Argentina is in the third spot. Chile plays Brazil in Brazil on Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

oye que pas? tengo una pregunta: es primavera alla en chile verdad? y ok i know this might sound weird, but un amigo me dijo que their toilets flush the other way there. is that true?

i definitely will talk to the schedule people. hope you're having fun.


ProfesoraGrace said...

supposedly in the southern hemisphere the water circles in the opposite direction than it does in the northern. i have tried to observe this phenomenon, but mostly i think it just goes straight down. i´ll keep working on it though.

it´s becoming spring here, yes. thank goodness. it was really cold and dreary when i first got here. now we are having some absolutely beautiful days!