Tuesday, November 3, 2009

¡Viva el completo!

This was actually my second experience with the completo. Unfortunately I didn´t have my camera with me when I ate my first one. The first one I had was at a restaurant called Llanquihue. I immediately understood the draw of this food product on my first bite. It´s a hotdog with kraut, tomatoes, avacado and mayo. They are serious about their bread down here (there are good bakeries on just about every block), so it´s on a good fresh bun that´s been toasted just a bit.

My second experience with the completo was at my friend Ely´s house. Same concept as the one we ate at the restaurant. Below are the pictures. Ana didn´t want to be photographed in her PJs at first, but she eventually came around.


Licha said...

ummm... that sounds delicious!

how are you dona erin?

ProfesoraGrace said...

everything´s good here, thanks! how are you?? i´m gonna post something soon about my love affair with the empanada...i can´t get enough of those things!! stay tuned...

Licha said...

hey, i'm good, getting ready to eat lots of turkey. i adore empanadas... i can't wait to hear about it! voy a ir a misa con tere para el dia de la virgen y con mari la nochebuena (a lo mejor). i'll be all churched out lol. oh yeah, marisol is back so we have the 3 musketeers again.

ProfesoraGrace said...

¡¡qué weno!! saludos a ellas dos...