Wednesday, October 7, 2009


On Monday, Lindsay and I visited with the Concepción Norte club. The following day, we took a 3 hour bus ride to Linares to visit another club. At both we gave presentations and exchanged Rotary flags with the presidents. We spent the night in Linares, and our Rotary hosts took us on a tour of the countryside and the town. There are lots of viñas (producing grapes for wine) and other agricultural products in this lush, fertile area. Below are some photos of a few of the highlights.

I haven´t tried "cabeza de chancho" yet, but if the opportunity presents itself...

Some typical items from the area. These are the hats that the huasos (cowboys) wear.

This guy travels from the sea to town in the central valley selling COCHAYUYO, which are bundles of dried algae that you eat.

Some huasos training their horses for the rodeo.

Sergio, the president of th Linares Rotary Club. We´re exchanging flags after my presentation

Lindsay and me with Eduardo, president of Rotary Club Concepción Norte after our presentations.


Rafa V said...

Hey Ms. Grace,
It's Rafael V. (Dale). Just found your url. (for awhile I couldn't find it, If I could I would have commented earlier, sorry). But wow, you've been busy in chile. North isn't the same w/o you :/ . Its been crazy here. We've had two school shooting threats in the past two months, and new policies have been put in place.
It still stinks that after this year I'll be done with high school, and yet you'll be coming back next year.
A.P. Spanish has been difficult but fun. Still isn't the same as being taught by you though.
Well, I hope you have fun in chile, and I'll try and keep you updated through comments.

Rafa. V.

ProfesoraGrace said...

hola, rafa,

gracias por tus comentarios. qué bueno que podamos estar en contacto con la tecnología ¿cierto? me contaron lo de las imagino que todos andan medio miedosos. ¡qué lata! chile es fenomenal. ¿estás visitando universidades? ¿tienes una favorita? ¡buena suerte con AP! keep me posted on how it´s going!


Anonymous said...

hey dona erin
has probado ese algae? y cabeza de chancho... well i guess ur braver then me. so how is everything alla en chile? cool pics btw
